“Make up your mantra and feed it to your body. All Day.” The mantra is used as a hypnotic command repeated to the body.The real trick is to put all of your belief into the process while you … Continue reading
“Observe your thoughts. Take control of your mind. All day.” The average person has about 48.6 thoughts per minute, or 70,000 per day, according to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at The University of Southern California. … Continue reading
“Rebalance into a relaxed voice and posture. All day.” Voice and posture. So many tricks to stay with it. The trick to posture. Simply move your head slightly back to align with your spine. … Continue reading
“Fit yoga into the nooks and crannies of your day. All day.” Nooks and Crannies. Don’t you just love those words? What an image! Is it possible that our life, our day, is just one long … Continue reading
“Inspire yourself. Feel your inhale and exhale. All day.” Aaaah … breathing. The secret to Life! And the secret to relaxation. Simply breathing sighs of relief all day long is the trick. And yet, to … Continue reading