Day Seven

              “Follow through with your commitments. All day.”

Aaaah… procrastination. The bane of some of our existences.
So. Some of us are intent on being busy, focused and in overdrive. And we never delay. However, others of us who do “delay” are oftentimes a bit more relaxed by nature.
The choice for me is stress vs. relaxation. There is no magic bullet other than to get it done, and I always do, but in my own way and time. Intuition plays a part here. Even tho I may feel I am delaying on a decision or a task, if I trust myself completely, then how can my timing be off?
This approach has worked for me, as I find that in retrospect, the task was completed in perfect timing. Is this proper thinking? I don’t know, but I notice that I am less stressed than most!
So I espouse what Day 7 says, i.e., just do it …but I also support the idea of embracing:
1. That I am a responsible person and I always get it done, and
2. That when I did get it done, looking back, it was in perfect timing and I could not have done it one minute sooner, and
3. Just knowing that, I stress less when I am faced with new deadlines and my procrastinating ways, because history has shown me that it has always worked out just fine!
So, relax with all of it, get off your own back ( and your butt while you’re at it) and …

Follow through with your commitments. All day.



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